- All Past Updates:
August 1, 2023:
The Year That Broke
Politics -- The Unknown Story of the Election That Set the Tone for
Today's Fractured Politics
November 16, 2020:
That Time Nixon Called Biden
-- Nixon Recognized Rising Star in Late 1972
September 22, 2020:
The First Biography of Henry Cabot Lodge -- Draws on
White House Tapes of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon --
"The Last Brahmin: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and the Making of the Cold War"
December 19, 2018:
Release 5: 967.5 hours of
tapes released by the National Archives in sub-releases that occurred
between 2007 and 2013; recordings
made between November 1972 and July 1973
March 12, 2017:
New Book by Richard
A. Moss: Nixon's Back Channel
to Moscow: Confidential Diplomacy and Detente
July 15, 2015:
The President and the Chief
Justice; Friendship with Warren Burger Established Well Before Nixon Reached
the White House in 1969
June 17, 2015:
Great Mystery of the 1970s:
Nixon, Watergate and the Huston Plan
October 28, 2014:
New Book of
Watergate Tapes Out Next August: The Nixon
Tapes: 1973
July 25, 2014:
The Nixon Tapes: 1971-72, Published on July 29; Nearly Decade-Long
Public Service Reaches Milestone
July 15, 2014: Vanity Fair Features
The Nixon Tapes
Online and in August 2014 Issue, on Newsstands Today
January 15, 2014:
The Nixon Tapes, by Douglas Brinkley and Luke Nichter, now
available for pre-sale on Amazon.com!
January 15, 2014:
Superpower Relations, Backchannels, and the Subcontinent: Using the Nixon
Tapes to Examine the 1971 India-Pakistan War
October 15, 2013:
Book of Nixon White House tapes coming next
summer, the 40th anniversary of his resignation
August 21, 2013:
Chronological Release 5.5:
339 hours of tapes released by the National Archives on August 21,
2013; recordings were made between April 1973 and July 1973
July 2, 2013:
President Nixon and John W. Dean III: Complete
Collection of Conversations between President and his Counsel Assembled for
the First Time
July 1, 2013: Complete Chron
4--Over 3,000 Audio Files--Available for the First Time with Search
Capability; Conversations Cover Summer and Fall of 1972
December 9, 2010: Chronological Release 5.4:
265 hours of tapes released by the National Archives on December 9,
2010; recordings were made between February 1973 and March 1973
August 14, 2010:
“It’s a bad rap for him”;
Protective-Reaction, John D. Lavelle and the Nixon Tapes
June 28, 2010:
“[W]e’re going to give Allende the hook”;
The Nixon Administration’s Response to
Salvador Allende and Chilean Expropriation
April 16, 2010:
President Nixon Sought Independent
View of Alexander Haig; Haig was Key Advisor of Nixon, in Particular when
Henry Kissinger was Absent; Collection of Nixon-Haig Telephone
Calls Assembled for the First Time
April 9, 2010:
Anatoly Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to Six American Presidents, Dead at 90;
Nixon Tapes Reveal Dobrynin Was A Key Collaborator of Nixon's, Kissinger's
March 6, 2010: President Nixon and Donald Rumsfeld; Nixon
Considered the Youngest Member of his Cabinet a Rising Star
February 22, 2010:
Alexander M. Haig, Jr. and the
Nixon Tapes; Former Secretary of State Urged Study of Nixon White House
February 21, 2010:
Additional Executive Office Building Conversations from 1972 Released
in New Collection; Topics Discussed Include Vietnam, Watergate, and the 1972 Election
February 11, 2010:
"The Most Dangerous Man in
America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers" Nominated for Oscar; nixontapes.org was Consultant
for Nominee for Best Documentary Feature
21, 2010: Additional Camp
David Conversations from 1972 Released in New Collection; Topics Discussed
Range from Watergate to the 1972 Election
December 28, 2009: New
Evidence Confirms Pentagon Stole and Leaked Top Secret Documents from Nixon
White House; Consequence
of Pentagon's Isolation from Decision-Making in Vietnam, China, Detente
December 8, 2009: The Forty Years War
Probes Obscure Pentagon Official; Ideology of Fritz Kraemer at the Heart of
Wartime Policy from Vietnam to the Present
November 29, 2009: Nixon's
Phone Conversations with Lead Speechwriter Ray Price Assembled in Single
Collection for First Time; Price was among most tenured of Nixon's aides
November 18, 2009: New
Theories Related to Watergate Continue to Capture Public Imagination; Latest
National Archives Work Focuses on Elusive 18 ˝ Minute Gap
September 23, 2009: In New
Finding, John Dean Argues that the Origin of Watergate was "a Tip"
Received by President Nixon; However, Dean withheld that he appears to have
been the one who received the "tip" first
September 20, 2009: Nixon
and Hoover: Partners in Power; Nixon Tapes Demonstrate Similar Thinking on
Issues of the Day
September 7, 2009: Nixon
Had His Eye on Leon Panetta; Young Republican HEW Aide Critical of Nixon's
Civil Rights Program
August 26, 2009: nixontapes.org
contributes to "Teddy: In His Own Words", a new HBO film that
honors the life of former Sen. Ted Kennedy
July 26, 2009: Flawed
FRUS? Pitfalls with the Nixon Tapes and How to Avoid Them
July 22, 2009: John
Dean's Simon and Schuster editor calls Dean's claim that his editors
inserted false information in Blind Ambition a "lie";
never before heard recording available here
July 20, 2009: Nixon
Recognized Importance of Space Program; Space Policy had Broader Role in
Nixon's Foreign Policy; Nixon Tapes Capture Apollo XV, XVI, and XVII Crews
July 17, 2009: Former
Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara captured on tape in 1971-1972 meetings
with President Nixon and Henry Kissinger
July 10, 2009: FOXNews.com
lead article points readers to nixontapes.org page on Dean-Nichter dispute
over tapes
June 23, 2009: National Archives releases 154 additional
hours of Nixon tapes ("Chron 5.3") recorded during January and
February 1973
June 20, 2009: John
Dean Slams "Revisionists" and Nixon Foundation in Talk at Library:
However, 1989 Interview Tape Provides New Details
June 14, 2009: President
Nixon and George Shultz's Telephone Conversations Assembled in Single
Collection for First Time
June 12, 2009: Chronological Release
4: 240 hours of tapes originally released by
the National Archives in 2003; recordings were made between July 1972 and
November 1972
June 10, 2009: "John
W. Dean III and the Watergate Cover-up, Revisited"
May 2, 2009: Thomas A. Schwartz's SHAFR
Presidential Address: “‘Winning an election is
terribly important, Henry’: Thinking about Domestic Politics and U.S. Foreign
March 22, 2009: President
Nixon and the Future Presidents: House Minority Leader Ford, Governor
Reagan, and Ambassador Bush
March 8, 2009: DCI
Richard M. Helms and President Nixon
February 22, 2009: New York
Times Public Editor Clark Hoyt joins
debate over Nixon tapes, Stanley Kutler, and John Dean's role in Watergate
February 15, 2009: Chronological Release
3: 425 hours of tapes originally released by
the National Archives in 2002; recordings were made between January 1972
and June 1972
February 1, 2009: New
York Times Probes New Interpretation of John
Dean's Role in Watergate Cover-up
January 8, 2009: Chronological Release
2: 420 hours of tapes originally released by
the National Archives in 2000; recordings were made between August 1971
and December 1971
December 24, 2008: Chronological Release 1: first time complete set of 443 hours of tapes originally released by
the National Archives in 1999 made available; recordings were made between February 1971
and July 1971
December 18, 2008: Complete audio file collection of Henry Kissinger's phone
conversations assembled for the first time
December 2, 2008: Nixon
Presidential Library releases additional 198 hours of Nixon tapes
November 26, 2008: Chuck
Colson and the 1972 Presidential election
August 11, 2008: Audio
files from White House reaction to shooting of George Wallace released
August 5, 2008: Complete
Cabinet Room tapes released online for the first time
July 5, 2008: nixontapes.org's
Richard Moss featured in May 2008 edition of State Magazine
December 3, 2007:
News Network posts
column, "Caught on Tape: The White House
Reaction to the Shooting of Alabama Governor and Democratic Presidential
Candidate George Wallace"
October 23, 2007: Taped
conversations on the origin of the Nixon White House taping system featured
on nixontapes.org
August 30, 2007: Additional
Fifth Chronological Release tapes uploaded
August 20, 2007: New
York Times features
commentary by nixontapes.org's Richard Moss on latest tape release
July 31, 2007: nixontapes.org
adds transcripts and multiple audio formats of the first recorded Nixon tapes
July 28, 2007: nixontapes.org adds
High Quality Audio (.flac) download option on transcripts
July 23, 2007: nixontapes.org adds
links to audio files and makes other improvements to
July 16, 2007:
News Network posts
column, "Do the New Nixon Tapes Tell Us Anything New?", by Richard Moss and
Luke Nichter
July 13, 2007: nixontapes.org begins
posting transcripts from July 11 tape release
July 12, 2007:
work by nixontapes.org's Richard Moss and Luke Nichter
July 12, 2007: nixontapes.org
contributes to Calvin Woodward's Associated Press columns on new tape
July 11, 2007: Associated
Press Television hosts nixontapes.org's Richard Moss to discuss new tape
July 11, 2007:
Presidential Library releases first portion of Nixon tapes chronological
release 5